Speak Your Way to Success

Improve Your PUBLIC SPEAKING Skills in Just 3 Months

Gain confidence as a speaker and storyteller
Create Your Personal Brand
Get that promotion at your work 
Interview well and land your dream job 
Get rewarded for thinking outside of the box

Have You ever...?

Had an amazing opportunity to present yourself to a hiring committee, an important client, or your new team – but you felt you didn’t know WHAT to say? And you felt you didn’t know HOW to say it?

Been the only diverse person in the room? And you wanted to make sure that you express yourself authentically including your culture, heritage, and identification or orientation?

Felt you stood out because your ideas or thinking were different? And you wished you could find a way to streamline your process to better convey your thoughts and projects?

Felt anxious about completing a high-performance work task, so much so that you sense your well-being and health are at risk? AND you have trouble with confidence, speaking anxiety, being understood, or telling your story?

If so, let me help you SPEAK YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS

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My Approach

About Dr. Shannon

Hi, I’m Dr. Shannon Wong Lerner, DEI&A Consultant,
Change Management, Pronouns Training, 
Inclusivity Training, Public Speaking Coach

I use a whole-person, holistic approach to include WHO you are, WHERE you come from, the WAY you process information and think, and HOW you identify. So you don't sound like a version of someone else. But you sound like a better version of yourself. 

 I know first-hand the struggle of diverse people. As a queer biracial woman, I know the difficulty of being talked over.
Of being passed over for promotions. 
Or for acknowledgment for a job well done.
I even know the upset when someone steals your ideas or work. And passes it off as their own. 


       in an interview
       for a webinar
       for a speech
       for your personal brand
       or for a podcast or vlog

Get special attention 1-1 and an individualized program made just for you, to help you stand out and shine as the speaker and storyteller and the person you always knew yourself to be.

Because you’re not a clone of someone else and you can only improve as yourself! 

Learn how to tell your story:

Speak Your Way To Success Guarantees:

NO Fixed Formulas
NO Fixed Program that leaves out cultural differences and speaking issues unique to you
NO buzz words or pressure to conform to another person’s idea of what you should sound like


ONLY On-the-Spot, Hands-On Workshopping
ONLY Individualized Programs Created Just for You
ONLY Culturally-Sensitive Approaches
ONLY LANGUAGE and EXERCISES that speak to you and your culture

So you can:

MAINTAIN WHO you are, WHERE you come from, and HOW you identify.
STOP feeling Like You’re Living Someone Else’s Life
SPEAK with ease, intimacy, and the Acumen of a Professional Speaker

No matter if you are in the Boardroom, at the High-Pressure Zoom Call, or on a TedTalk Stage.

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“Shannon has a professional and culturally sensitive friendly manner. During my sessions with Shannon, I learned how to improve my interview mindset and strategies. I would highly recommend Shannon to anyone who wants to improve their interview strategies.”

– Florita Greiner, Associate Governmental Program Analyst

“I have learned not only how to speak better, but I've become more confident at my job and in my life. Shannon taught me how to speak more clearly but also how to speak up for myself! I do not hesitate to recommend her to any ELL speaker for these same services. This will be a lifelong set of lessons for me! Thank you, Dr. Shannon Wong Lerner!”

– Jing Yuan, Contract Manager

Who is Speak Your Way To Success For?

ELL Speakers
Other English Speakers
Diverse Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Students
Asians & Pacific Islanders and Black Indigenous PoC  
LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Trans Individuals

This program is for those who have trouble with confidence, speaking anxiety, being understood, and telling their stories! Including:

Job Seekers
CEOs, SVPs, Branch Chiefs
Directors of Non-Profits
Online Educators and Hosts
Brand Stewards and Mid-Level Professionals

The Multi-Talented
The Multi-Passionate
Non-Traditional Learners
Visual Learners
Experiential Learners


90-Minute Evaluation

For 90-minutes, I will get to know your goals and work toward developing a clear step-by-step plan to meet them.

Whether you meet with me for 3 months

Or one year

I create an individualized program designed specifically to help you improve.

3-Months of Public Speaking Coaching & Consulting

For 3-months we’ll tackle your communication issues. We’ll go through your job presentations. Webinars. Pitches. Speeches. And mock Interviews.

I’ll guide you through each obstacle and demonstrate professional public speaking.

You’ll try it. And try again. And again.

So WHEN you go into that boardroom, interview, Zoom call, you are prepared. Inside and Out!

Everyone notices that you no longer shrink in the midst of pressure.

You shine. You are radiant.

You are the leader you always knew yourself to be.

1-1 Workshops to Correct Unintentional Speaking Habits and Mannerisms

On-the-spot Coaching from a professional and Ivy League professor to correct pesky speaking habits including but not limited to:

•  Fidgeting
•  Quiet or Monotone Voice
•  Under Enunciating
•  Lack of Eye Contact
•  Sweating
•  Speaking Too Quickly
•  Feeling Lost

And More Speaking Anxiety Symptoms

Public Speaking

I have taught my diverse clients how to speak persuasively to reach their desired results.

• Learn how to compose, organize, and deliver your message
• Learn how to speak persuasively to engage your audience:
      • Without sounding canned or feeling uncomfortable
      • Without leaving behind your culture or identity
• Learn all aspects of public speech from composition and organization to the anxiety most of us feel when speaking in front of a group
• Prepare for a variety of different public speaking engagements from the informal such as a wedding speech to the large-scale speech such as a conference, a keynote address, or TedTalk

Accent Appreciation

Would you like to gain confidence as a speaker? Do you have difficulty hearing different accents? Don't put the burden solely on your ELL staff. Create an inclusive environment where everyone can speak freely and be respected. Accent Appreciation offers  transitional services for ELL staff. And inclusive listening training to hear multiple World Englishes. 

•  A thorough evaluation / report of your speech and listening skills 
•  An individualized plan to transform your ability to speak Standardized American English & listen for World Englishes 
•  A free textbook, lesson materials, and recordings of sessions
•  Lessons on how to pronounce the phrases, vocabulary, and slang specific to your industry
•  Lessons on the accent spectrum between your native language and American English to transition your accent
•  2 evaluations charting progress
•  A 3-month certification celebrating your achievement to complete the course
•  As a multicultural coach and long-term ELL teacher, I offer a culturally sensitive approach

Personalized Resources

As a coach and consultant, I’ll provide you with resources and tools to help you succeed including:

•    Tailor made program including your own assignments and exercises, recorded sessions, and session notes
•    You will leave with a one-of-a-kind textbook made just for you so you can return to the material for lifelong learning
•    Mapping Goals
•    Short-Term and Long-Term Planning
•    Time Management
•    Strategies To Level Up in your Career
•    Breathing Techniques
•    Vocal Practice
•    Finding Your Unique Voice
•    Natural Movement and Use of Hands
•    Exercises for Stronger Stage or Screen Presence
•    Thought Leadership
•    Public Speaking Demonstrations
•    Mock Interviews
•    Critical Thinking
•    How to Research
•    Processes for Writing
•    Critical Thinking
•    Developing Scripts to Stand Up for Yourself
•    Working Through Writing/Speaking Anxiety
•    Learning to Love the Way Your Voice Sounds
•    Holistic Coaching Tools to Help You
      •  Build better self-esteem and motivation with:
          •  Affirmations and visualizations
          •  Meditations catered to your needs and personality
          •  Self-care practices
          •  Life-work balance routines
          •  Gain clarity of mind for better focus and productivity at work
•    Learn better conflict resolution and non-violent intervention skills

Change Management

As a change management team leader in cross-continental, East-West settings, I provide the resources and tools to help you create change with yourself, with others, your department and with cross-functional teams, and your company. I have a exacting analytical and DEI approach, and I address your pain points thinking about how systems and chains of command must align to support individuals, departments, communities, and ERGs including:
  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational and Leadership Development
  • Training Program Implementation
  • Coaching and Consulting
  • Behavior and Culture Change
  • Stakeholder and Team Management
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Process Design and Improvement
  • Performance Improvement
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Risk and Resistance Mitigation
  • Cross-functional Teamwork

Rhetoric and Critical Thinking

As a public speaking & critical theory professor I can support you to learn how to:

•    Detect misinformation from reputable research
•    Learn how to back up a claim
•    Learn how to form a thesis and supporting points
•    Learn deductive & inductive reasoning
•    Use how to be persuasive using Logos, Ethos, and Pathos
•    Practice and improve your critical thinking skills
•    Learn ethics and how to express your core values
•    Diverse and International forms of reason and argumentation

Personal Brand Storytelling 

How difficult is it to be fired when you become the face of your company's brand? Very, very difficult!

Personal Brand Storytelling covers public speaking, but with a focus on your personality and storytelling capability:
•    To learn how to tell your narrative to explain your company's origin story
•    To explain your non-traditional path to an executive position
•    To grow your personal brand by telling stories about your interests, expertise, and experiences to speak to future employers and target clientele
•    The option to highlight your personal brand story to:
      •  Host tutorials and podcasts
      •  Create blogs and vlogs
      •  Interview and network with cutting-edge diverse professionals, intellectuals, activists, and artists
•    To develop your personal brand by learning how to tell your story with emotion, the narrative arch, an active plot, and engaging characters

Plus these bonuses:

Bonus #1:
Tailor Made Textbook, Session Notes, & Recordings!

From the first week, you receive session notes for each session including homework and assignments and recordings of sessions.

At the end of the program, you receive your own one-of-a-kind textbook that you can return to for lifelong learning.

Bonus #2:
Meet & Greet!

Meet with Dr. Shannon and other diverse professionals for a fun and helpful 1-hour session on how to work through speaking anxiety.

Gain support from other diverse professionals like you. And receive professional coaching from professional speaking coach & consultant, Dr. Shannon.

Bonus #3:
Strategies Video!

When you sign up for Speak Your Way to Success, you will receive Dr. Shannon's exclusive video.

On how to prepare for an interview or important executive strategies call. Specifically designed for obstacles that are put in front of us as diverse people.

“I've been working in IT for the past ten plus years. And I never realized how important it is to have effective communication with others. And how that could take or not your career into a different level...Speaking to others in a language that isn't your mother tongue is hard. And in addition to that Silicon Valley it's all about networking so, talking with confidence it's an invaluable asset...Dr. Shannon and I worked together to address my language needs for around 6 months in the first quarter of 2019, which untimely helped to land a different position with greater confidence.”

— Alejandro Ramírez Argüello, MTS, Software Engineer at Paypal

“I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Shannon Wong Lerner as a communications coach! She helped me out in the fall of 2020; at a time when my confidence was very low. I sat through some vocal exercises, which were totally helpful and we worked on my presentation. She ensured that my presentation involved bringing my authentic self when presenting. After several sessions, I felt very confident. Needless to say, the presentation was well received. I was complimented by many of the attendees..”

— Dr. Betz arroyo (pronouns all), doctor of management at optum


Join me for 3-months and learn how to Embody Your Speech with natural movements and hand gestures, speak with a confident and strong stage/screen presence, articulate your words clearly, and learn cultural storytelling and oral interpretation to deliver your lines with feeling and conviction. Learn how to tell your story combining both traditional and non-traditional methods.

Contact me to get started!

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“Shannon taught me how to gain self-awareness as a woman with a strong personality who has not always been seen and received for that strength. And she taught me how to become a more confident and more comfortable speaker with the talents and personality I already have...I gained a lot of direction in my professional life to know everything that I’m capable of.”

– Niki Fay Palmer, Digital Media Manager at wave broadband

“By speaking with me and doing a bit of research herself, Shannon acclimated to my field and could help effectively. Equally important for me...Shannon understands diversity, equity and inclusion and the challenges that emerge in academia. I received compassionate coaching, deep understanding, and excellent work! I highly recommend Shannon!”

– Cheryl Leong, (They/Them/She), CEO of Leading with Consciousness

“Shannon is extraordinarily engaging and shows genuine interest in working with you. I appreciated that she spent good quality time talking with me one-on-one to get to know me, my story and what I wanted to do. She's an intelligent and caring professional that is completely relatable. I highly recommend Shannon not just for the things I mentioned above, but for any type of coaching for the intangible aspects of leadership and management.” 

– Fred Alejo, Experienced Executive/Manager

“I highly recommend Shannon for anyone who is looking for an interview coach! She is kind, culturally competent, and very knowledgeable! I have been working with her for a total of 4 sessions during the month of September. She has given so much tools and perspectives to better communicate during my interviews.” 

– Maria Rodriguez, Aspiring Physician Assistant

“I enjoyed getting to know Shannon’s personal & professional career, and how she has navigated the use of current technology to extend her reach and presence. It helped me establish more social prescience and outreach which has helped extend my network during the pandemic...Her thought and effort towards bringing out my authentic self...was enlightening as that truly is how I want to display my skills and talents, in a way that highlights my passions and true self.”

– Anna Marie San Juan, Treasury Management Market Leader at wells fargo 

“Even though I worked with Dr. Wong Lerner for a short period of time, I walked away with some real skills and the experience of public speaking with ease, supported by her feedback and guidance...She helped me with feedback and comments/edits for the actual writing of the presentation....She helped me with delivery, gestures, and voice, and even breathwork exercises...She helped me feel comfortable with responding authentically to on-the-spot Q&A.”

– Chip Dalby, Senior User Experience Designer